Saturday, March 21, 2009

Second-Guessing Time

Tomorrow, I tune up the bike and then get ready to send it out on Monday.

I've never sent my bike anywhere before.


I'm sure it will be fine, but this control freak is going to have a little tough time packing it up and then walking away.

Not sure what to expect at this race, and maybe that's a good thing. I've never done a race before while having no open-water swims, 2 rides outside, and training in the cold when the race will be warm. I'm excited, but also realistic. I need to be ready for the heat and humidity and my body is not acclimated like it usually is. So, I'm going to have to be extra careful with nutrition. I'm a crazy mad salty sweater as it is. Hopefully things will stay in the 70s, but I'm not really even checking the weather. I learned not to after IM Wisconsin '06. If you're going to check, check the hour before you head out. Otherwise, not worth it.

I haven't gotten to the pool as much as I'd like to, but I feel fine in the water. I haven't rode more than 2 hours at a time, but they were always 2 really intense hours. So, this should be interesting. My running is the strongest it's ever been, and there's a teensy part of me that says I should screw the 70.3 and try for a 1:45 half marathon, or throw a few more long runs in and go for a 3:45-3:50 full. But, I'm sure this is just the 2 week jitters combined with a totally different training experience than I have had in my last 4 half ironmans.

I'm ready...I know I am. I think I just have the taper blues or somethin'. Hopefully tomorrow's run will fix it...and another CSU win would be nice, too! (even though I didn't pick them to win next round)

Whatever the day throws at me, I'm going to give it my all and see what happens. That's all you can do, right?


Maggs said...

You're gonna do awesome. It will be a fun race. I'd love to meet up but I will be getting in Saturday afternoon with my parents and leaving Sunday afternoon. It's just a quick trip to race over from where they live.

Michelle said...

I'm having a few 'gulp' moments myself! We'll make it, I figure!

Janet Edwards said...

You are going to do fantastic sweetie! Just trust in yourself and your training!

Michele said...

I drop my bike off tomorrow and feeling the same way. I have always taken my bike with me!! Hope they treat her well.

I checked the weather ;) not going to be too hot. 70's and last check they had added rain. I KNOW it will change 10 more times before Sunday. and I will check it at least 100.

Look forward to meeting you!