Decided I would throw a little teensy bit of speed in now that things have been good for the past 6 weeks. I was able to hold my pushes in the low-8s without too much trouble. It felt good to kick it up a bit. Hopefully this will also help Operation Melt the Muffin Top, too.
I've been thinking of ways to help me feel better about going back to work. It's not that I don't want to teach; in fact, I miss that. I miss the students and I miss teaching. It's that I don't want to hand JayZ off to someone else. Ugh. I'm dreading that day. Good thing I have 1st period free in case of major waterworks.
Reasons its' not so bad, right:
--Since I only work 9 months out of the year, or 75% of the year, then it's ALMOST like I'm ALREADY working part time...right? So I'll just pretend I'm "part time." That sounds better.
--Think of all the famous moms who are back at work...Reese Witherspoon won an Oscar after having 2 kids...Paula Radcliffe kicked booty in NYC just 10 months after her surely somehow I can grade papers, right?
You get the picture. I'm gonna have to really talk myself down from the "this is the worst day ever" feelings I'm having about January 29th...
On a lighter note, we enjoyed Matt's last day off of school yesterday by taking JayZ to the pool for his FIRST! SWIM! EVER! We'll be starting sets of 100s soon. :) He wasn't quite sure at first but then he loved it! He looks a little bored here, but you'll have to take my word for it.

And this picture quite pains me, but it's so darn cute at the same time. Look at the twins! New sweatshirt courtesy of Auntie ESpeed. :) As a Big 10 fan, I have to admit I was really glad to see Florida lose. Don't worry...he'll be wearing the RIGHT COLORS on Monday!

OK, that blue and gold stuff has to stop. It's all about the scarlet and grey baby! **singing: drive, drive on down the field . . . . men of the scarlet and greeeeeeeeeeeyyyy.**
yes, the michigan sweatshirts might pain buckeye fans but daddy and jay z look cool together..
sorry missed the polar plunge but I did a solo one due to a conflict as a props to my yet to be met ctc members... take a gander if you get a moment.. peace
You look fantastic mama!
Going back to work- I was fortunate enough to be able to take my kids to work until my daughter turned one, so I didn't have to give up any of the infant stage. It is tough at first. You feel guilty. But you also get a little break and get to do the other things that make you who you are- like a teacher. And then the time with your child(ren) becomes more about quality time.
Thank goodness he's cute b/c that is one bad sweatshirt...Go BUCS!
Congrats on the fartlek!
that is one damn handsome looking baby boy in that Michigan sweatshirt!
I can't handle the cuteness! :)
O - M - G!!!!
I can't even deal with how cute jay z is!!!!!
I'm glad you guys had such a great first swim. A great beginning for many more to come! He'll be ready to join momma in the fast lane at Rob's clinic in no time! ;)
You look fabulous! And your little man is just the cutest thing ever. I love his hair! Keep up the training- let me know if you can do a trainer session soon!
Too cute!!!!!
You rock, Sarah! Gosh, I know how you feel about the going back to work. I've always said it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. It's tough, but you've got a real advantage since you are a teacher. Just keeping looking forward to relaxing with JayZ this summer!
Great pictures, you look awesome. Glad he enoyed the pool outing.
Good luck with the return to work, you'll be fine and JayZ will, too. You sound like a great teacher and I'm sure the students will be glad to have you back.
You look great! And Little J looks awesome in his blue and gold! :)
Glad the speed is coming back to you so easily!
The first day will be the worst and it will get better quickly. I promise.
Great job on the run.
BTW, you look awesome!!!!!
I never EVER want to see Maize and Blue on your son again...That just might slow him down...Scarlet and Gray baby! Dress him like the champion that he is!!!
It's good to see that Jay-Z already has good taste in his football teams!
i have no clue about all teh football references, but that little guy is just the cutest. and you're looking great too!!!
don't have kids, so i can't really give advice on the separation part, but i will say that you're setting a great example with working and training and all that you do!!!
Two words: what muffintop?!? You look amazing, and what a cute little guy! Go blue!
Great pictures!
The first day back at work will be awful. But every day will get easier and easier - it'll be hard to believe that at first, but it truly will.
After my first few days back this week I can say that you will survive and so will the little guy. You look fabulous! Good on ya for taking him swimming. It took me 10 months to take Isaac in the water, despite the fact that I am a lifeguard.
wait, you just had a baby? you look fabo dahling! and jay z looks adorable!!! way to go on the workouts lady!
Wow, you look fantastic! (So does JayZ, of course!) And that looks like an awesome pool! Is that a lazy river in the background?
Yeah, going back to work SUCKED. I'm not gonna lie -- I was a sobbing mess. But once classes started, the kids distracted me, so it got better. You'll manage. I'm jealous that you still have a few weeks. Enjoy them!
He is too stinkin' cute! And glad the fartleks went over well. :) The muffin'll be gone before ya know it!
I swear he'll be doing triathlons within the next year or two. Just you wait and see.
Look how much hair he has! I had to click on the picture to enlarge because I thought he was wearing a swim cap! :) Soo cute!
I'll just echo what the others have said: You look fab!
Cute pics. And good luck with going back to work.
As a native of the Detroit suburbs I am obligated to say:
"Go Blue!"
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