
Actually, it's totally what I would have picked out for myself, and looks almost like the Nike one I'm replacing it with--except much cheaper!

Oh NO WAY I paid that much! :) I paid WAYYYYYYY less than that. Good deal! I'll be sure to use this website again.
And now, proof positive that my sweet new wheels are:
A) way cooler than me
B) way cooler than my bike

My bike's bringin' sexy back. Yeah!
HAWTNESS! Oh, to ride on these babies...I can hardly WAIT! Arg!
You lucked out! The suit is very normal. But those wheels - woah, cool x 10! PS We're on a delay for school today. Cool x 10!
Hooray for normal swim suits! The abnormal ones, as we know, provide for some great posts though! Love the new wheels.
Oh...c'mon. You now you wanted a suit that said "bootylicious" or something of the like!!!
Glad you got a "normal" suit. I may try that grab bag one of these days.
Can't talk. Transfixed by sweet luscious glossy shiny pornographic wheels.
I LOVE The grab bag is the best part. Sort of like playing Russian Roulette with swim fashion.
That's a great suit!!! I've seen some HORRIBLE looking ones come from the grab bag before!!!
I like the suit better. You should get one with the initials UNC stamped on it next time.
OMG, very cool wheels!!!
Those are Hawt Wheels. Let me know if you need any help with those bad boys. You know I got the tools.... ; )
Your personal wench....I mean wrench.
Score! Normal suit and sweet wheels... you are all hooked up!
WOW! Those are Hawt!
first things first since i havent commented on your last few posts. YOU ARE AN F*$KING IRONMAN! toss those feelings of disappointment away with your shabby nike swim suit!
aaaanyway, looove your new gear! you are gonna look super HOTSY TOTSY in the pool and on the road. giddy up byatch!
I have been to chicken to try the grab bag, but maybe I will now.
Cool wheels.
Dang, them is some hawt wheels!
sweet wheels.
Nice dubs. /drool
I am soooo jealous of those wheels. I have been stalking a couple of tri-bikes online. You'll have to let us know how they are on the road so in case my new bike needs some sexy wheels...
Nice gear,
Time to air out those wheels and see what they can do. Now lets see if the weather clears up first.
Hey that new suit is Baywatch red! Look out!
that's my kinda porn baby!
Sigh, I was hoping to see something more exciting than the hanger behind the suit. Oh well... the hot FP60s more than made up for it.
Please do post a review on how they are versus your old wheels. Are they really as good as everyone claims?
OMG - I am soooo lusting after those wheels....very...very...HAWT!!!!
Just catching up on blogs and what do I find? finisher's jackets, swimming suits, wheels - the bling is blinding but oh so deserved! :)
It's always motivating to get new and fun stuff! Happy swimming! (The suit definitely looks fast!-so do the new wheeeeeeels! Wheeee!)
Yeah...I stole trimama's wheelsm...I suck
You heard the man-he took my wheels. sob. They are sweet though-so when do we go to the wheel convention? Although I guess I draw the line if they ask us to drape our bikini clad body over a set at an expo.
That is the LUCKIEST grab bag suit EVER!
And wheel porn is my 4th favorite type of porn. Crap, I've said too much...
Oooh, you're bringing back bad memories of the grab bag suit I got with (no kidding)The Rugrats on it (it was also bright yellow). Glad your suit was so normal!!!
Wow. Those wheels are so hot I think I just wet myself a little. Most excellent suit, darlin'!
Are you sure you're not just a plant for that retailer? You're not the guy in the audience who tells everyone how great the grab-bag is so that we'll all jump in and end up with the fugly ones? ; )
(The suit is perfect! And I'm drooling over the wheels... I think I need new wheels)
Pharmie led me to, but I was too chicken for the grab bag . . . but apparently not totally chicken. Perhaps overestimating my own developing iron hawtness, I elected a couple of numbers from TYR and Speedo--little numbers . . . . little black numbers . . . . and wore them in public. YIKES!
HEY, whose abs are those on my body?
wheels always look better ON a bike, and, well, normal suits...gosh you're gonna fly on those new wheels this year!
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