...just got these pictures from my buddy Vicki in Oregon, that we snapped on the boardwalk from Lahaina in Hawaii.
And this is pretty sweet, too.

Le sigh....
But--running in nice weather is boring! Running in 12 inches of snow is much more fun!
Yeah, that's RIGHT! Bring it, Lake Effect! :)
You just keep all the snow over there with you!
Great pictures... I'm dreaming of a tropical vacation now.
Spoken like a runner who is jealous of the ice fishmen :-)
Aww...great photos! I wish it were warm.
The snow has gotta go. Way to brave the cold for a run though!
Can you give me some of your running in snow enthusiasm? I would much rather run along the beach! Great pics!
oohhh hawaii looks warm and lovely! i am dreading this snow we have coming tonight and tomorrow. BOOO!! im gonna do the snow dance and make it all come to you since you love it so much!
love the race resume by the way. you have so many amazing accomplishments, i look forward to reading more and more! and hopefully meeting you one day!
Could be worse, my daughter, son in law and granddaughter have over 8.5 feet of snow!
I miss running in the snow in Pennsylvania. But, I'll be doing a tri in Maui this year so I'm OK with missing the snow runs. I think.
Stay tuned...
Too bad about the snow. Sniff, sniff...
The crocuses are already blooming out here in Vancouver! Ah, ya, I love West Coast living.
Those are great pictures!! Snow is nice for a day or two, but that's about it as far as I'm concerned. I am addicted to sunshine!
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! I love running in the snow. 20 degrees feels like a heat wave after the cold snap we had here in the midwest last week.
Snow storm here in Chi-town also. Glad you will be out there. I will be out there too. I'm glad I'm not the only crazy one:)
I like that, "bring it",
But that tropical sunshine would nice to...
Is that a sunset? I have been stuck with so much snow i haven't seen one of those for a long time.
Tomororw morning running an hour and change for me. They say they are expecting about 12 inch over here too... :)...look forward to running in the snow.
I love the white stuff too. but today all we have is clear freezing rain, blah!
You never would have believed the running in H-town this morning. It was about mid 30s, no precip, and yet all the Houstonians were either on dreadmills or bundled up like Randy in "Christmas Story." No joke, big coats, hats and scarves I saw. We.are.so.soft.
No wonder you are saying 'Bring on the Lake Effect' given the snow says you are getting. LUCKY!!
Now I am dreaming about a tropical vacation!!!!
Awesome article Su linked!
I've lived in Hawaii and lived in the mountains and I'd take the snowy running anyday.
You look beautiful in the photos.
Better you, than me sweetcakes!
I have had enough of living in the white stuff...well, living in it isn't so bad if you don't have to DRIVE anywhere!!! :-)
They don't have any snow plows here!!! Argh. They're freaking out over a few flakes.
By the way, where did the phrase le sigh come from? And I would have thought it would have been the feminine form and be la sigh.
Ugh - feel your snow sis, feel your snow. And lookin' good, supermodel!
We lived in Hawaii and I miss it so much. I did find it difficult to run there though. If you weren't out the door by 9am you might as well forget it cause it would get too hot and humid.
Hey girl~
Love the pics of Hawaii, been thinking about a warm vacation myself. Here in Nebraska we are also running in/on snow and ice and you are totally right... it is way more adventurous to run in the imperfect weather. You just never know what will happen. =0)
Love your blog, keep it up!
Boo for snow. :(
I'm lovin' those Hawaii pictures though! Man, how I wish I were someplace like that right now!
Hope all is well! Sorry I haven't checked in more frequently. I did sent you email a while back, but I think that was sometime in November??! Yikes! :)
Running in snow? Builds character, and let’s not forget the tough as nails part.
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