Friday, July 07, 2006

what's your vector, victor?

Roger this--I am so in Madison and I feel like the day before Christmas cuz I'm gonna RIDE tomorrow!

WOW--this is REAL.

4 hour ride with Elizabeth, then another 6 hours with Wil--who just as I thought is pretty much the coolest person in the universe. We did have a minor car accident moment, but just a fender bender. Oops. Lots of laughs on the way up....

Then dinner with Simply Stu and Robby B, SLS and her husband, and Jeff--sooooooo cool! I feel like I'm not quite cool enough to be hangin' with all these cool folks...

OK--gotta hit the hay--tomorrow IT'S ON, BABY! Hills, here I come.....



Joe said...

Over Unger.

Cliff said...

2 much fun :)...

Lance Notstrong said...

I thought I was the only one that quoted obscure movies :-)