3 Clif Bloks (Strawberry)
16 ounces of NUUN
8 ounces of water
1 mint-chocolate GU
7 miles ran in the snow
1:09 total run time
9:57 average pace/mile
1 Trisaratops who looked like a human icicle upon arrival back home
3 giggles at Mommy covered in snow from one happy little boy
20 miles of running this week
70.3 miles will be covered at Steelhead on 8.2.08--I'm in...it's official!
1 very happy tri-mommy
1 handsome little devil

I'm officially in too! Yay!
That boy is too cute for words!
You both have inspired me.
see you in Michigan.
oh. my. god.
I just opened JayZ's pic and said, "he's sooooooo cute. I want one. Immediately." to dice. I don't usually say that. EVER. :)
on a totally unrelated note, assuming all goes well (training wise), I will see you in michigan too. but shhhh. it's a secret. :)
you are a great mom!
Sweet! Looks like Steelhead is the party destination, in a triathlony sorty of way :-) My, what a handsome little devil, he is!!!
...and a partridge in a pear tree!
What a great day and a sweet boy! (and hubby) you have!
What a cutie!
looks like a little man...loves the camera and vice versa
real cute little fella
Tooooooo Cute!! I bet Santa has him on the extra extra good list.
Future Brawny Man???
Great pic!
He is a handsome little devil! Great job on the run!
Speaking of running, I didn't run on Sunday, because Suzi canceled on me. I much preferred napping to running in a blizzard!
Great to see you Sunday!
And too much to be thankful for. Congrats for making Steelhead your race next year.
Nice seeing you Sunday Sara, remember trigirls can totally look cute! :) Baby J is the cutest around! I can't even stand it!!!
he is super precious!
yay, im so happy that youre happy to get back into the swing of things! you are gonna ROCK steelhead! happy holidays lady!
he is super precious!
yay, im so happy that youre happy to get back into the swing of things! you are gonna ROCK steelhead! happy holidays lady!
What a cutie! He's such a little man!
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